The primary focus of Ayurvedic preparations is to optimize digestion of food/feed, absorption & metabolism of all essential nutrients along with the removal of toxin build-up in the body to maintain proper growth and functioning of the body.

The concept of Ayurveda is very clear, there is nothing in this nature that cannot be used as medicine, but without the detailed knowledge of this ancient subject, a combination of raw materials for pharmaceutical and dietetic processing are impossible. Without knowing Terminologies like Triphala(Three fruits of Myrobalan), Dashmula(Ten roots), Trikatu(Three bitters), and Panchakola(five in the dose of kola), it is impossible to prepare a formulation for therapeutic use.

The desired outcomes of every food/feed ingredient begin with proper digestion, absorption, and metabolism of all nutrients and active compounds. Herbs have a multiprong effect on animal biochemistry triggering a series of chemical reactions in the body. This chain of events is both simple and complex at the same time. All the natural substances and materials are far easier to digest, effectively absorbed, and metabolized by the animal’s digestive system than synthetic/artificial and chemical substances.

The body constitutes seven elements that maintain the functioning of different systems, organs, and vital parts of the body and play a significant role in the development and nourishment of the body. These elements are Plasma or nutrient fluid, Blood, Muscle tissue, Adipose tissue, Bone, Connective tissue and Cartilage, Bone marrow, and Reproductive elements or the vital substance Sperm and Ova.

The three main excretions are faeces, urine, and sweat. The dynamic equilibrium of elements helps to maintain the body in a healthy condition. Then they are called Dhatus. Any disturbance in this equilibrium causes malfunction and results in disease. In that event, they are called Doshas. Thus Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are alternatively called Dhatu or Dosha depending on their effects on the functioning of the body.


Modern medicine works on principles of Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology. Ayurveda follows Indian Philosophy – the theory of macrocosm and microcosm. Just as the universe has the sun, moon, and wind, in the same manner, all living beings have motion, liquid, and heat or energy components. According to the ancient Science of Ayurveda, the conglomeration of five elements, ether, air, fire, water, and earth, creates everything in the cosmos. Medicines are developed from almost all natural sources of raw materials viz plants, minerals, metals, animals, and marine products after their suitable processing for efficacy, safety, and palatability.

There are five basic processes called Panchvidha Kashaya Kalpana; fresh juice, fine paste, decoction, cold infusion, and hot infusion. It is impossible to convert plant materials into a form of a drug unless they are processed accordingly. Some formulations may require more than one of these processes.

1. Definitions: Terminology like Triphala(Three fruits of Myrobalan), Dashmula(Ten roots), Trikatu(Three bitters), and Panchakola(five in the dose of kola) have their well-defined meaning and are accepted by all from the period of Charaka (1000BC) first treaties on Ayurveda itself. It is impossible to prepare a formulation for therapeutic use unless combinations of herbs are understood.

2. Weights and measures: Weights and measurements are vital for combining herbs for pharmaceutical/dietetic processing.

3. Five types of processing: There are five pharmaceutical and dietetic processing/ forms found in Charaka Samhita i.e. juice, decoction, paste, cold infusion, and hot infusion.